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الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «قالب:No article text»

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سطر 13: سطر 13:
| 6
| 6
| 7 = <div class="byline">هذه الصفحة الغير موجودة تشبه الباب إلى عوالم موازية</div><h1 class="headline"> حيث يمكن للأفكار أن تأخذ أشكالًا جديدة وتصبح واقعًا بديلاً.</h1>
| 7 = <div class="byline">هذه الصفحة الغير موجودة تشبه الباب إلى عوالم موازية</div><h1 class="headline"> حيث يمكن للأفكار أن تأخذ أشكالًا جديدة وتصبح واقعًا بديلاً.</h1>
| 9
| 10 = <div class="byline">ERROR - Disconnection (CODE: 30000)</div><h1 class="headline">Text on the page was lost expectedly.</h1>
| 11
| 12 = <div class="byline">Page when?</div><h1 class="headline">This page is not even In Concept™.</h1>
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| 15 = <div class="byline">Sponsored by Anvil Aerospace and RSI.</div><h1 class="headline">This page needs more <s>struts</s> text.</h1>
| 16
| 17 = <div class="byline">The JIRA task went Schrödinger again.</div><h1 class="headline">This page is not on the roadmap.</h1>
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| 20 = <div class="byline">Fidelity needed™</div><h1 class="headline">This page does not exist currently. Maybe soon™?</h1>
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| 22 = <div class="byline">Unleash the Kraken!</div><h1 class="headline">This page is avaliable on sale on the Privateer legally.</h1>
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| 25 = <div class="byline">Insert hidden QR code here.</div><h1 class="headline">This page may or may not be in Evocati under NDA.</h1>
| 26
| 27 = <div class="byline">Halt while your cargo is being scanned!</div><h1 class="headline">This page is not found on this wiki.</h1>
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| 30 = <div class="byline">Another pipeline™ is needed for the pipeline™.</div><h1 class="headline">This page has not entered the pipeline™.</h1>
| 31
| 32 = <div class="byline">The server racks are haunted</div><h1 class="headline">Space ghosts stole this wiki page</h1>
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| 35 = <div class="byline">༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ</div><h1 class="headline">Gib content update on wiki.</h1>
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| 38 = <div class="byline">This page will punch above its weight class.</div><h1 class="headline">Possible upcoming page</h1>
| 39
| 40 = <div class="byline">TEXT! TEXT! PAGES! PAGES! PAGES! WIKI!!</div><h1 class="headline">Wiki has pages if pages have text.</h1>
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| 45 = <div class="byline">And we are like, yeah...</div><h1 class="headline">We know it is missing.</h1>
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| 50 = <div class="byline">Remember Vega.</div><h1 class="headline">This page has been raided by the Vanduul.</h1>
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| 55 = <div class="byline">It's a legitimate salvage!</div><h1 class="headline">This page is reclaimed by the Reclaimer.</h1>
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| 59 = <div class="byline">It's a legitimate salvage!</div><h1 class="headline">This page is reclaimed by the Reclaimer.</h1>

مراجعة 15:14، 20 أغسطس 2023